The Anecdotes of A Lesbian Princess
New York, NY
Rachel Saruski
Seeking Stage Manager for The Anecdotes of a Lesbian Princess for the Emerging Artists Theatre SPARK Festival
The Anecdotes of a Lesbian Princess finds a messy, too emotionally available, overtherapized woman in her 20s trying to “hack” lesbian culture in New York City. Throughout the play, she details the anecdotes that describe her multicultural background and plethora of bad dating experiences to determine if the queer powers that be think her worthy of the ultimate prize: getting a text back from a girl. Let yourself get sucked into a journey of cringy hinge dates, niche liberal arts college turned nyc lesbians, family drama, badly executed ballet, and finding your worth guided by an entertaining, slightly unreliable narrator.
Director: Michèle Carter Cram
Playwright: Rachel Saruski
We are looking for actors who have any combination of one of the following three identities in their 20s or early 30s: Queer, Jewish, or Latine, for an upcoming production of a new play, The Anecdotes of a Lesbian Princess. This play will be self-produced at the end of March for the Emerging Artists Theatre’s SPARK Festival. The stage manager will be paid a guaranteed $100 stipend plus a cut of box office funds.
To be considered for the position, please send a resume and a brief description of your interest to [email protected] by January 17th at 5 PM EST. No cover letter is needed.
In your email, please also share your general availability for rehearsals in February and March.
Feb 1, 2025 - Mar 21, 2025
$100.00 – $100.00 per hour
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