Based on the beloved, timeless film, Irving Berlin’s White Christmas comes just in time for the holiday season. After World War II, two veterans, Bob Wallace and Phil Davis, begin a successful song and dance act, following two singing sisters to their Christmas gig at a Vermont resort lodge. With classic standards such as “Blue Skies,” “How Deep is the Ocean,” and the titular hit, Irving Berlin’s White Christmas is a stirring and delightful musical that stands the test of time.
Directed by David Armstrong & James A. Rocco
Music Direction by Matt Perri
Choreographed by James A. Rocco
Featuring Miranda Antoinette, Phillip Attmore, Ania Briggs, Kristin Burch, Ann Cornelius, Beatrice Cramer, Maggie Darago, Taryn Darr, Ashley Day, Candice Song Donehoo, Seán G. Griffin, Davione Gordon, Cristin Hubbard, Cayman Ilika, Reginald André Jackson, Eric Polani Jensen, Charlie Johnson, Jordan King, Mallory Cooney King, Ashley Lanyon, Rico Lastrapes, Katie Marshall, Trina Mills, Brandon O'Neill, Richard Peacock, Gia Pellegrini, John David Scott, Michael Sharon, Jonathan Luke Stevens, Christopher Sweet, Katy Tabb, Cayel Tregeagle, Carolyn Willems Van Dijk, Jaclyn Wheatley, Shelby Willis, Ty Willis