South Pacific premiered April 7, 1949, to critical acclaim at the Majestic Theatre. In 1950, the production won each of its 10 Tony nominations. South Pacific holds the distinction of being the only musical in Tony Award history to dominate all four acting categories: Mary Martin (as Nellie Forbush), Ezio Pinza (Emile De Becque), Juanita Hall (Bloody Mary), and Myron McCormick (Luther Billis).
The production also received the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, the second musical to claim the honor. The show went on to play a 1,925-performance run of nearly five years.
Learn more about the show in the Playbill Vault.
Flip through photos of the production below:

Mary Martin in her dressing room
Oscar Hammerstein II and Richard Rodgers in rehearsal
John Swope/©NYPL for the Performing Arts
William Tabbert and Betta St. John in rehearsal
Mary Martin in rehearsal
Salvatore Dell'Isola, Barbara Luna, Mary Martin, Richard Rodgers, and Ezio Pinza at a cast album recording session
Mary Martin_
Barbara Luna , Ezio Pinza, Noel DeLeon, and Mary Martin
Barbara Luna, Noel DeLeon, and Mary Martin
Philippe Halsman/©NYPL for the Performing Arts
Biff McGuire and Martin Wolfson
John Swope/©NYPL for the Performing Arts
Betta St. John and William Tabbert
Ezio Pinza, Barbara Luna, Noel DeLeon, and Mary Martin
Mary Martin
Mary Martin
Mary Martin and cast
Mary Martin and Ezio Pinza
Mary Martin
Mary Martin and Ezio Pinza
Mary Martin
Mary Martin
Myron McCormick
Myron McCormick, Mary Martin, and cast
Myron McCormick
Ezio Pinza and Mary Martin in South Pacific.
John Swope / The New York Public Library
Juanita Hall (right) in South Pacific.