Directed by Emmy nominee Allison Anders, the cast also includes Gabriella Pizzolo (Fun Home) and Grace Capeless as the young CC and Hillary, respectively, along with Jodi Capeless, Sanai Victoria, and Antonio Cupo.
Watch the new trailer, which features Menzel's rendition of “Wind Beneath My Wings,” below:
Entertainment Tonight also broadcast footage from the upcoming film as well as an interview with Tony winner Menzel, who spoke about an encouraging tweet she received from the film's original star, Midler, who will return to Broadway later this season in the revival of Hello, Dolly! Watch the segment below:
Beaches takes on the classic songs “Wind Beneath My Wings” and “The Glory of Love” and includes several other songs recorded specifically for the movie.
The teleplay was penned by Nikole Beckwith and Bart Baker based upon the novel by Iris Rainer Dart. A+E Networks will also distribute the movie internationally.
Menzel won her Tony for her performance in Wicked.