Directed by Neil Patrick Stewart, the cast will be headed by Andrea Burns (In The Heights, Beauty and the Beast, The Full Monty) and Joseph Cassidy (Catch Me If You Can, Next to Normal, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels) with David Hess (Sweeney Todd, Annie Get Your Gun), Eric Michael Gillett (Kiss Me, Kate; The Frogs), Daniel Quadrino (Bye Bye Birdie), Ashley Blanchet (Memphis), Juliane Godfrey, Lexi Rhoades, Allison Jill Posner, Tessa Faye and Julia Knitel (Bye Bye Birdie). Volleygirls features a book by Rob Ackerman, music by Eli Bolin and lyrics by Sam Forman. The musical also features original movement from choreographer Michael Balderrama (In The Heights, Saturday Night Fever, Movin’ Out).
Volleygirls, press notes state, is the "story of a former Olympic athlete (Cassidy) who choked under pressure and finds inspiration in a high school girls' volleyball team." The show is based on the play of the same name, originally commissioned by ACT in San Francisco.
The production team includes assistant director Ryan Kasprzak (Billy Elliot), associate choreographer Morgan Marcell (In The Heights), assistant choreographer Antuan “Magic” Raimone (In The Heights), music director Mike Pettry and stage manager Colleen M. Sherry.