New England’s brightest holiday tradition is celebrating its 35th Anniversary! An original adaptation based on Charles Dickens’ classic novella, A Christmas Carol is a musical ghost story following the miserly Ebenezer Scrooge (Played by David Coffee, joined once again by Cheryl McMahon as Mrs Dilber/Mrs. Fezziwig for their 30th production) through a series of strange and magical journeys, where he ultimately discovers the true spirit of the holiday season. Featuring dazzling special effects and traditional songs like “God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman,” “The Boar's Head Carol,” and “We Wish You A Merry Christmas,” this award-winning production was created specifically for North Shore Music Theatre and has been seen by more than one million people since its debut in 1989.
Directed by Kevin P. Hill
Music Direction by Milton Granger
Featuring David Coffee & Cheryl McMahon
Tickets from $40