Frank Doane (Performer) | Playbill

Roles (37)

She's My Baby Playbill - January 1928 She's My Baby
Opened January 03, 1928
  • as Mr. Hemingway (Original)
The Girl Friend Playbill - March 1926 The Girl Friend
Opened March 17, 1926
  • as Arthur Spencer (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 The City Chap
Opened October 26, 1925
  • as Blinkey Lockwood (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 Sunny
Opened September 22, 1925
  • as Siegfried Peters (Original)
The Magnolia Lady - November 1924 The Magnolia Lady
Opened November 25, 1924
  • as Luther Hallett (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 The Chiffon Girl
Opened February 19, 1924
  • as Woolsey (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 Go-go
Opened March 12, 1923
  • as Senator Locksmith (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 The Yankee Princess
Opened October 02, 1922
  • as Pimprinette (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 Montmartre
Opened February 13, 1922
  • as Gaston Logerce (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 Trilby
Opened December 23, 1921
  • as Rev. Thos. Bagot (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 Kissing Time
Opened October 11, 1920
  • as Armond Moulanger (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 A Lonely Romeo
Opened June 10, 1919
  • as Ichabod Wintergreen (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 The Girl Behind the Gun
Opened September 16, 1918
  • as Colonel Servan (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 Let's Go
Opened March 09, 1918
  • Performer
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 Fads and Fancies
Opened March 08, 1915
  • as Leicester Square (Replacement)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 Papa's Darling
Opened November 02, 1914
  • as Colonel du Parvis (Replacement)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 Oh! Oh! Delphine
Opened September 30, 1912
  • as Colonel Pomponnet (Replacement)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 Hans, the Flute Player
Opened September 20, 1910
  • as The Prologue (Replacement)
  • as Van Pott (Replacement)

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