Pam Shoop @Swoop1fan @playbill Our daughter Samantha LOVED The Genie. #stagedoorselfies
Sierra @SierraSturt @playbill #stagedoorselfies YOU KNOW IT. KELLI O'FREAKINGHARA
h jane @hitherehailee @playbill #stagedoorselfies w/ @NapOnACott
Derek Colón @DerekColon @playbill ME AND @kealasettle #stagedoorselfies
chitknit @chitknit Hey, @playbill - here's my all-time favorite #stagedoorselfies with me, my hubs @deadagonia77 and BRADLEY COOPER!
Evan Lemons @evanlemons Not Broadway, but definitely Broadway material! @playbill #stagedoorselfies #LaurelHarris of Wicked's 2ND Ntnl' Tour!
Derek Colón @DerekColon @playbill me and @CteenDryer outside of Wicked #stagedoorselfies
Twilightmom 1901 @twilightmom1901 @playbill #stagedoorselfies @DeannaWCampbell @IamSwitzerland1
Jessica Isaac @itsjjesss @playbill #stagedoorselfies at @DisgracedBway !!! @JoshRadnor
Heather. @HeatherDianeG #stagedoorselfies @playbill
Heather. @HeatherDianeG #stagedoorselfies @playbill
Heather. @HeatherDianeG Absolute fav #stagedoorselfies of all time because Sutton is queen @playbill
Emma Brown @emmajbrown13 @playbill #stagedoorselfies
Heather. @HeatherDianeG Not a #stagedoorselfies but totally worthy of being seen @playbill
Miriam Necastro @MiriamRuthie @playbill @BeautifulOnBway with TONY queen Jessie Mueller! we share the same middle name! #stagedoorselfies
Theatrical Problems @TheatricalKids @playbill this one, absolutely. #stagedoorselfies
Barbara Garfinkle @theatregeek1991 @playbill closing day of newsies #stagedoorselfies
Barbara Garfinkle @theatregeek1991 @playbill when I met Jeff Calhoun #stagedoorselfies
daniel coffey @danielcoffey_ @playbill #StageDoorSelfies
Barbara Garfinkle @theatregeek1991 @playbill #stagedoorselfies
Emma Williams @EmmaRachel1996 @playbill the one and only @JeremyMJordan! Looking hella fly #stagedoorselfies
Emma Williams @EmmaRachel1996 @playbill the classiest couple in the biz, @JeremyMJordan and @AJbway #stagedoorselfies
Emma Williams @EmmaRachel1996 @playbill and of course, the magnificence that is @albinokid #stagedoorselfies
Ashley @ashleypaw @playbill favorite picture with my favorite actress, @Margo_Seibert! #stagedoorselfies
Helen Silfin @HESilf @playbill #stagedoorselfies
Megan McMonigle @meganemcee @playbill #stagedoorselfies with Ian McKellen after Waiting for Godot! Thx @MannyLyons1835 for lending me your phone!
Derek Colón @DerekColon @playbill Me and Renée after Hamilton!!! #stagedoorselfies
Danielle @NY_dee @playbill #stagedoorselfies
Kelly DiGirolamo @Missk1717 @playbill #stagedoorselfies
Cassy B. @CassyMarie84 @playbill With the amazing John Dossett! The stage door may have been a few 15miles away, though! #stagedoorselfies
AnnaJo Terrill @AnnaJoTerrill @playbill #stagedoorselfies with THE @AudraEqualityMc after Lady Day. @mingramhayt @mallymoinok
AnnaJo Terrill @AnnaJoTerrill @playbill Pippin #stagedoorselfies with @patinamiller @mingramhayt
AnnaJo Terrill @AnnaJoTerrill @playbill #stagedoorselfies with my fave @TheAAshford after Kinky Boots @mingramhayt
Tara Blum @TaraBlum2 @playbill With the lovely Bernadette Peters #stagedoorselfies
Tara Blum @TaraBlum2 @playbill The lovely Lena Hall! #stagedoorselfies
Kimberly Carletta @kimberlylynn789 @playbill The amazingly talented @LenaRockerHall #stagedoorselfies
Kimberly Carletta @kimberlylynn789 @playbill Paul Alexander Nolan #stagedoorselfies
Kimberly Carletta @kimberlylynn789 @playbill Paul Whitty #stagedoorselfies
Kimberly Carletta @kimberlylynn789 @playbill Jessie Fisher! #stagedoorselfies
Sam Bernero @toni7babe @playbill My fav #stagedoorselfies is one of me and the fabulous LOLA @theebillyporter stage door @KinkyBootsBway
Lauren Cagnetta @L_Cagz #stagedoorselfies for with the babes @LenaRockerHall @bellamcphee
Dominique @dominique24601 @playbill #stagedoorselfies these are my top 3!!
Megan White @meggan713 @playbill #stagedoorselfies at the Newsies! #missthem
Nat DiMario @NattyD24601 @playbill
Olivia James @oliviajames22 @playbill #stagedoorselfies with the amazing @Dance10Nico ❤️
Phyllis Powell @phylliswpowell #stagedoorselfies @clayaiken @spamalot
Ashley @ashleyannehopes @playbill huggin' it out with @Dance10Nico #stagedoorselfies
ireland @ireland_dav just me & my pals @playbill #stagedoorselfies
chelsea @combeferocious #stagedoorselfies
Ashley @ashleyannehopes @playbill silly #stagedoorselfies with Andy at Newsies!
Hannah Wiggonton @hannahbway98 @playbill me and laura osnes before I burst into tears:) #stagedoorselfies
Hannah Wiggonton @hannahbway98 @playbill the queen and I at the Matilda stagedoor 2013 #stagedoorselfies
Hannah Wiggonton @hannahbway98 @playbill All of my wicked 2nt pictures #stagedoorselfies
Quinn @poorGUYShead @playbillknocking em out with Andy (@Andy_Karl ). #stagedoorselfies
Quinn @poorGUYShead @playbill aways killing it with @Dance10Nico #stagedoorselfies
erica @_ericaaceliss @playbill #stagedoorselfies
Quinn @poorGUYShead @playbill @julianOfGuzman and I showing our true Asian colors
erica @_ericaaceliss @playbill #stagedoorselfies I'm done I promise
Laura Colley @LauraHColley @playbill Me with the lovely @normlewis777 after an amazing performance of @PhantomBway in August! #stagedoorselfies
teepee @taliapfeffer @playbill #stagedoorselfies
Kelli Dugan @KelliAnn84 @playbill It sure is hard to choose, but this is one of my favorites @GHawe's 1st show with Matilda #stagedoorselfies
Melissa @Brooklyn_Newsie @playbill #stagedoorselfies Do tour cast stage doors count? Well here's Race aka @bentylercook Still awesome!
Melissa @Brooklyn_Newsie @playbill #stagedoorselfies it's Elder McKinnley! @piercecassedy I love that stage door picture forever!
Jessica Sieck @jess_sieck @playbill #stagedoorselfies
The Ghost @Julesxx19 #stagedoorselfies @playbill hedwig w/ Michael c hall x2!
Alexa Reyes @alexafreyes @playbill a legendary photo that should never be lost #stagedoorselfies
Tristan Rowley @tristanmrowley @playbill #stagedoorselfies Myself, @AliMow123, @Laura_shallvey and @sierraboggess at the Phantom stagedoor
Tey Van Der Woodson @TeyTeysoCOOL @playbill #stagedoorselfies
korin rosenkrans @jerseygirl_908 @playbill @hoppergirl1 #stagedoorselfies
Kori Lotito @klo143 @playbill #stagedoorselfies #myqueens
@alyssakrinsky @playbill #stagedoorselfies
Danielle @NY_dee @playbill #stagedoorselfies
Hillary @HillSaysStuff #Stagedoorselfies
@PlaybillMattB @playbill With @RhodesReed at Aladdin
Hillary @HillSaysStuff #Stagedoorselfies
teepee @taliapfeffer @playbill #stagedoorselfies
@lissalee777 at SIDE SHOW with @Ryan_Silverman