Good morning, Playbill! You're stuck with me all day :) Muahahaha.
Ryan Steele
First things first.
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Must.Get.Coffee. Cafe Grind is my favorite neighborhood coffee shop. This frog knows what's up.
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My first big decision of the day. Sugary goodness... or an apple?
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Eh. Decided not to decide. Treat yo self.
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Time for work. But wait... no bikes?! You mean... I have to WALK?! CitiBike really let me down this morning. (But don't worry, CB. I still love you)
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Saw some of our behind the scenes stars of the show at the stage door: our "Revolting Parents" (and brothers and sisters)
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Our call board says hello! We ran out of B's.
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To be on Broadway, you MUST be organized.
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On the way to warm up, I got a sneaky shot of the kids getting notes from our Dance Captain, Nadine Isenegger.
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I also passed the CHOKEY (School room/office). Stay far away!
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Even Tony/Olivier award winners warm up. Gabe is so handsome.
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Our two Matildas for the matinee. Bailey is on and Oona is on stand by.
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The kids have a group warm up that some of the adults crash. Nadine is leading the kids today.
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One of our vocal health team members, Alethia, leads the kids in a voice warm up. "Have a stretch. Have a yawn. Have a sigh"
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The kids finish their warm up around the piano. PS- this week is spirit week. You may be able to guess what today is. Purple Day!.... Just kidding it's Yellow day.
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John Mara Jr. and Krystal Rowley are two of our kick butt Maggot Wranglers.
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Time for safety checks! If you've seen the show, you know there are a few elements that seem a bit dangerous. Not to fear! They're WELL rehearsed before every show. Here are the adults practicing our "Superman" swing.
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Safeties also include "Gym Check" led by our fearless Gym Captain, Clay Thomson (who is in full spirit, sporting a GORG yellow ensemble.)
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After swing check, I tried to say hello to Lesli Margherita. She told me to never come back and slammed the door in my face. (Oh HEY Rob Pat!)
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Show time. Apparently my morning coffee really kicked in before this photo was taken. Yikes.
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Oh look! The Real Housewives of the Shubert Theater. (Arty Mum, Tweedy Mum, Mrs. W., Posh Mum and Stokes Newington Mum)
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Intermission in the mens dressing room means three things. First is a visit from Miss Tamika Sonja Lawrence herself.
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Second is Candy Crush and social media.
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...and third is FOOD from the snack corner.
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The ghost of the Shubert Theater drops by to give us our Act 2 places call. Thanks gurl!
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One of our newest cast members, Scott Difford, goes over a new track. Overwhelmed, Scott?
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Lesli stole my camera.
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Ryan Steele
Show is over and LOOK who I ran into in Shubert Alley. Some of my very best pals: Andrew Keenan-Bolger, Ben Fankhauser and Garett Hawe. HAI GUYS! Let's get some dinner!
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My friends and I decided to treat ourselves to an elegant dinner at a charming, little, hole in the wall bistro that we just love- The Jekyll and Hyde Club.
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It's SO scary!
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Oh look! Ryan Breslin! Fancy meeting you here! He loves Jekyll and Hyde too.
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Just some live entertainment to enrich our dining experience.
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Thanks for the RICH time, Jekyll and Hyde! Time for the second show.
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Sometimes Rose locks me out. But I totally don't hold it against her, because I'm told she did the same to Donna McKechnie
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...and she always brings candy.
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"Did you say candy?!"
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Supermodel Documentary Hour! I got to the theatre with time to spare to get goofy with our two Matildas for the evening. Sophia Gennusa (right) is on, and Milly Shapiro is on stand by.
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I HAD to get these nuggets in as well. Two of our newest Maggots- Analise and Marcus.
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Warm up again! This time lead by one of our associates- Sara Brians.
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Our maggots at gym check.
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Our "Doctor" needs a doctor. John Arthur Greene seems to be feeling the effects of a raked stage.
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Show two essentials.
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Not even going to try to give this one a caption. This is just...Thayne.
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Stretching is important. My good friend (and stage wife), Samantha Sturm, is really helping me out.
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Don't let her slammin' bod fool you. Lauren Ward knows how to snack.
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...aaaaand we're done! Taylor Trensch celebrates the end of our second show with a bell kick. Excellent execution. YOU GOT IT, TAYLOR!
Ryan Steele
Really, CitiBike? Again? It might be time for us to take a break. It's not me, it's you. Guess I have to walk again. But it's okay...
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...because these three are worth the walk. (Awww. Ooooo. Cute. mushy mushy aww!)
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Dinner numero dos.
Ryan Steele
I've brought Annie Golden on board to help me bid you farewell. Thanks for hanging with me and my silly cast, crazy friends, and sub par jokes. You guys rock. See you at the Shubert!
Ryan Steele