Morning, Papi...
John Riddle and Michelle Veintimilla
Morning, Michellita!
John Riddle and Michelle Veintimilla
Shhhhh. It's steeping. (Ten points if you got that). Fairway's Brooklyn Java roast is not a joking a matter.
John Riddle and Michelle Veintimilla
Saturday is plant day at John's. Roommates are out of town, so pressure is on to not murder them all for the next two months.
John Riddle and Michelle Veintimilla
John likes to start each day with a morning jig. Mamas and the Papas spinning!
John Riddle and Michelle Veintimilla
Bikin' to Broadway. Good, healthy meditation. Spring in New York City, is there really anything more magical. Besides actual magic.
John Riddle and Michelle Veintimilla
Mich is all fancy and healthy with her green juice. John eats deli breakfast sandwiches smothered in cheese.
John Riddle and Michelle Veintimilla
Who's coming to see The Visit today. Also, check out those two ballerinas killing it with Father Duffy. Star quality!
John Riddle and Michelle Veintimilla
The incomparable Lyceum on 45th Street. The history! The performances!! And you have to come see the inside!
John Riddle and Michelle Veintimilla
Stage door Johnny. And Michelle. And the stage door.
John Riddle and Michelle Veintimilla
Rick Holmes and Jason Danieley. No laughter ever comes from this room. Very serious actors.
John Riddle and Michelle Veintimilla
Gypsy gems.
John Riddle and Michelle Veintimilla
John Kander's Opening Night gift from the Williamstown incarnation.
John Riddle and Michelle Veintimilla
Roger Rees and John discussing our cast shindig tomorrow night that will feature pizza, beer, and lots of topless women.
John Riddle and Michelle Veintimilla
But seriously, get serious. We are about to do a serious play.
John Riddle and Michelle Veintimilla
Look who's chillin' in Casa de Chita! THE John Doyle. Note the hints of yellow.
John Riddle and Michelle Veintimilla
Dressing room #6. The illustrious George Abud. Before
John Riddle and Michelle Veintimilla
John getting his sex face warmed up.
John Riddle and Michelle Veintimilla
And after. Brachen-ized.
John Riddle and Michelle Veintimilla
Change sheets for the week because that's how previews roll.
John Riddle and Michelle Veintimilla
D! (Diana DiMarzio) The Mayor's wife is always ready for a matinee. (She eats high C's for breakfast.)
John Riddle and Michelle Veintimilla
John Riddle and Michelle Veintimilla
Pre-show. Scott Pask and Japhy Weideman brilliance.
John Riddle and Michelle Veintimilla
Places for the top of the play. Ghosts.
John Riddle and Michelle Veintimilla
One down, one to go. Do not disturb Madame Zachannassian.
John Riddle and Michelle Veintimilla
Kickin it in the park between the plays. Trying to eat some Whole Foods extravaganza but have to keep moving east to stay in @thesun!
John Riddle and Michelle Veintimilla
Good. No one has drawn a mustache on Young Claire's mug.
John Riddle and Michelle Veintimilla
John didn't sign in for the second time today and Libby is here to deliver the wrath. Why I oughta.
John Riddle and Michelle Veintimilla
The always glamorous Donna McKechnie holding down the fort in wardrobe. And keepin' the dogs warm!!
John Riddle and Michelle Veintimilla
Floor 2. Boys floor. No girls allowed. Eunichs tolerated. Ready for show deux!
John Riddle and Michelle Veintimilla
It's MBP, Chiiiits, and Rosie!
John Riddle and Michelle Veintimilla
Our GLORIOUS stage management team.
John Riddle and Michelle Veintimilla
Until the next visit...
John Riddle and Michelle Veintimilla