My alarm goes off at 11:30 AM, which can only mean one thing: TWO-SHOW DAY!!
Andrew Keenan-Bolger
Exercise is essential when prepping for a double header. Mine comes in the form of Wii's "Dance on Broadway" game.
Andrew Keenan-Bolger
Hmm, what can I make using arugula, A1 and Red Vines? I think I'd better head on over to my favorite Mom & Pop neighborhood restaurant...
Andrew Keenan-Bolger
Andrew Keenan-Bolger
Off to show #1. I share a dressing room with two longtime theatre pros. They're always teaching me the value of a good work ethic...
Andrew Keenan-Bolger
...like the importance of doing a full ballet barre before every show.
Andrew Keenan-Bolger
Puberty rears its ugly head. My character Robertson Ay is not complete with out his token zit.
Andrew Keenan-Bolger
My scene partner, Mrs. Brill (Valerie Boyle), has taught me to always check my props before going on stage.
Andrew Keenan-Bolger
She also taught me that 90% of character acting is done with your eyelids. "Treat 'em like Olympic athletes, guv'nor!"
Andrew Keenan-Bolger
Tea Time!
Andrew Keenan-Bolger
In between shows I run downtown to film a quick scene for my new webseries, SUBMISSIONS ONLY. www.submissionsonly.com
Andrew Keenan-Bolger
With Kate Wetherhead, my co-creator/director/writer/producer. Warming to the thought that we tricked all our friends to do this for free!
Andrew Keenan-Bolger
Back at the theatre for show #2. Sometimes I hang out with the Janes & Michaels. I've taught them a little acting game I learned backstage at Seussical.
Andrew Keenan-Bolger
"Bless me father for I have sinned. I dropped a line in Scene 2, I sang off key in Scene 5 and I judged some girl for wearing kitten heels in December."
Andrew Keenan-Bolger
I love scaring Valerie backstage! She's such an easy target.
Andrew Keenan-Bolger
Megan Osterhaus and Karl Kenzler join in, too. They tell her they saw Mrs. Weasley auditioning for her role at Pearl Studios.
Andrew Keenan-Bolger
Our ensemble is so crafty! They've spent the past 2 months making a mural out of pieces of used black mic tape.
Andrew Keenan-Bolger
After the 2nd show, a late night movie date with my friends! Here's us pretending to buy healthy food at Green Symphony beforehand.
Andrew Keenan-Bolger
We saw "Black Swan." Natalie Portman was brilliant, although I think I would've played "crazy" just as well if I were that hungry.
Andrew Keenan-Bolger
Rats! Missed the last express train back up to Inwood. Luckily, I learned a little trick from Laura Michelle (absolutely no photoshopping).
Andrew Keenan-Bolger