Kroll (Comedy Central's Kroll Show) and Mulaney (Netflix's The Comeback Kid) bring their alter egos, Gil Faizon and George St. Geegland, to The Great White Way through January 8, 2017. Alex Timbers (Here Lies Love, Rocky, Peter and the Starcatcher, Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson) directs.
Kroll and Mulaney, according to press notes, “star as Gil Faizon and George St. Geegland - outrageously opinionated, 70-something, native New Yorkers that [the duo] first began performing on the alternative comedy stages in NYC. Honed for over a decade, the fictional duo garnered a cult following and found their way onto a Comedy Central special, viral videos and late night couches everywhere. Oh, Hello on Broadway is Gil and George’s ’memoir for the stage’—a laugh-a-minute two-man tour-de-force that’s part scripted, part spontaneous comedy, and totally unprecedented.”
The Broadway creative team includes Scott Pask (set), Jake DeGroot (lighting), M.L. Dogg (sound) and Emily Rebholz (costume consultant).
Oh, Hello quickly sold out an Off-Broadway run last fall. The duo played other sold-out engagements in San Diego, Boston, Washington DC, San Francisco, Chicago and Los Angeles.
Oh, Hello on Broadway is produced on Broadway by Patrick Catullo and Marcia Goldberg with Barbara Whitman, Marc Platt, Pierce Cravens, James G. Kernochan, Jeff Romley, Triptyk Studios, Benjamin Simpson and Joseph Longthorne/Shira Friedman; the general manager is 321 Management.
Tickets are on sale through or by calling (212) 239-6200.
Here is a clip of the duo at the 92nd Street YM-YWHA: