Directed by Lileana Blain-Cruz, the cast features Broadway actors Alex Breaux (The Real Thing), Peter Jay Fernandez (All the Way) and Lucas Caleb Rooney (Golden Boy) as well as Zoë Winters (Love and Information).
"Set on the eve of the Olympics swim trials, pressure builds as front-runner Ray confronts the lure of endorsements, the perils of mixing the personal and professional, and the unforgiving weight of success," state production notes.
An official opening night is slated for March 3, and the engagement is scheduled to run through March 27.
The production features scenic design by Riccardo Hernandez; costume design by Montana Blanco; lighting design by Yi Zhao; sound design by Matt Tierney; and fight direction by Thomas Schall.
Tickets to Red Speedo are available online at or by calling (212) 460-5475.