Tony nominee Judy Kuhn, Nathan Lee Graham, Nic Rouleau, and more Broadway alums appear in works-in-progress during the National Alliance for Musical Theatre’s 2021 Festival of New Musicals. The annual event takes place October 21 and 22, with presentations offered in an in-person and digital hybrid in collaboration with Broadway On Demand.
As previously announced, the presentations are directed by Sammi Cannold, Stephen Brackett, Arpita Mukherjee, and more.
Check out full credits below. Click here to watch.
Book by Melis Aker and Tatiana Pandiani
Music by Jacinta Clusellas
Lyrics by Jacinta Clusellas, with additional lyrics by Tatiana Pandiani and Melis Aker
Vocal Arrangements by Jacinta Clusellas and Kurt Crowley
Director: Elena Araoz, Music Director: Kurt Crowley
Cast: Danny Bolero, Blanca Camacho, Renata Eastlick, Henry Gainza, Robi Hager, Claudia Mulet, Martin Sola, and Claudia Yanez
About: The bilingual piece explores the immigrant father-daughter relationship, the place of art in capitalism, and more.

Fanny and Stella
Music and lyrics by Eamonn O'Dwyer
Book by SEVAN
Directed by Stephen Brackett
Music directed by Emily Marshall
Cast: Jake Boyd, Nathan Lee Graham, Eddie Korbich, Judy Kuhn, Orville Mendoza, Mason Alexander Park, Jamila Sabares-Klemm, and Heath Saunders
About: The lives of Frederick Park and Ernest Boutlon, who fled their suburban upbringing to live as Fanny & Stella in frenetic Victorian London.
Little Duende
Music and lyrics by Robi Hager
Book and lyrics by Georgina Escobar
Directed by Rebecca Martínez
Music directed by Erika Gamez
Cast: Majo Rivero, Daniele Hager, Mason Alexander Park, Sommer Carbuccia, Cedric Leiba Jr., Ruben Eduard Flores, Gabriela Garcia, and Zully Ramos
About: When the evil spirit of La Mancha kidnaps her mother, Adelita is forced to travel north to the land of the Hadaseñas in hopes of being reunited with her again.
Book and music by Cheeyang Ng
Book and lyrics by Eric Sorrels
Directed by Arpita Mukherjee
Music directed by Nate Hopkins
Cast: Meetu Chilana, Jamen Nanthakumar, Daniel Plimpton, Ben Roseberry, Vishal Vaidya, Sonya Venugopal, and Kuhoo Verma
About: Set in the British Raj in 1930, a struggling poet searches for purpose and meaning against the backdrop of Gandhi's non-violent Independence Movement in India.

Missing Peace
Book, music, and lyrics by Kalani Queypo and Kyle Puccia
Directed by Jesca Prudencio
Music directed by Steven Cuevas
Cast: Phoenix Best, Nick Dalton, Carolyn Dunn, Kyla Garcia, Nic Rouleau, and Glenn Stanton
About: The musical follows a young man as he recovers from a suicide attempt.
Private Gomer Jones
Written by Marshall Pailet
Directed by Sammi Canold
Music directed by Mona Seyed-Bolorforosh
Cast: Stephen Bogardus, Dickie Hearts, Adam Hyndman, Jared Loftin, Johnny Link, Patrena Murray, Christina Sajous, and Heath Saunders
About: An aspiring WWI deaf soldier navigates his way past recruiters in an effort to join the Welsh army.
Senior Class
Book, melodies, and lyrics by Melvin Tunstall III
Music by Greg Borowsky
Conceived by Kevin Duda
Director: Amy Anders Corcoran, Music Director: Andrew Bourgoin
Cast: Amina Faye, Olivia Hardy, Emma Lord, Jose Luaces, Madison McBride, Zachary Noah Piser, Darius Wright, and Daniel Yearwood
About: Two high school theatre nerds put on a one-night-only, royalty-free staging of Pygmalion—and meet a real-life Eliza Doolittle—after their production of My Fair Lady is canceled.
TL;DR: Thelma Louise; Dyke Remix
Book and lyrics by EllaRose Chary
Music and lyrics by Brandon James Gwinn
Directed by Sherri Eden Barber
Music directed by Rose Van Dyne
Cast: Courtney Bassett, karen EiLbacher, Sara Porkalob, Storm Thomas, Skyler Volpe, and Ada Westfall
About: A meta-analysis of queer women in media that explores the trend of strong female characters dying in stories.