Corey Mach, Shannon O'Boyle and Donna English Set for Reading of Revised Version of Saturday Night Fever Musical | Playbill

News Corey Mach, Shannon O'Boyle and Donna English Set for Reading of Revised Version of Saturday Night Fever Musical Musical theatre licensor Theatrical Rights Worldwide will present an industry reading of the Broadway musical Saturday Night Fever Feb. 19 in Manhattan.

Corey Mach

Directed by Victoria Bussert, the reading features Corey Mach as Tony, Shannon O'Boyle as Stephanie and Donna English as Flo with Mack Shirilla, Jude McCormick, Chris Cowan, Anthony Sagaria, Wilson Bridges, Jay Ellis, Ray DeMattis, Cole Burden, Caitlin Houlahan, Libby Servais, Anne Brummel and Sainty Nelsen.

Saturday Night Fever The Musical is based on Nik Cohn's 1975 New York Magazine article, "Tribal Rites of the New Saturday Night," and Norman Wexler's 1977 film, featuring music by the Bee Gees. It is the story of "a talented, streetwise kid from Brooklyn with a gift for dancing but dreams of something bigger," according to press notes.

Following the reading, the newly written book and score will be made available to theatres across the continent, exclusively through TRW.

For further information, contact Fred Stuart at

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