Directed by Fiona Buffini, the cast of the previously announced production features Nancy Carroll as Diana and Ben Daniels as Ted, with Michele Austin, Peter Bray, Gillian Dean, David Hargreaves, Shaniqua Okwok, Eliot Salt, Amy Forrest, and Edward Judge.
In the play, a violent storm sweeps the coast as Diana Stuckley and her daughter are struggling to keep the roof on their run-down manor house, when neighbors and strangers begin to appear on their doorstep, seeking shelter from the floods. One of these unexpected arrivals is Ted Farrier, the charismatic leader of a right-wing organization.
The production will also have set and costume design by Lez Brotherston, lighting design by Paule Constable, composition and sound design by Jon Nicholls, video design by Andrzej Goulding, and fight direction by Kate Waters.
Watch a teaser for the play below.