Stars in the House, the daily live streamed concert series created by Playbill correspondent and SiriusXM Broadway host Seth Rudetsky and producer James Wesley, presents A Simpler Time—penned by Jonathan Dorf, Tyler Dwiggins, Claire Epstein, Kathryn Funkhouser, Patrick Greene, Mora V. Harris, Carrie McCrossen, Ian McWethy, and Don Zolidis—July 26 at 2 PM. Watch the stream above.
The reading features the talents of Klarke Armstrong, Alexander Bello (All My Sons, the upcoming Caroline or Change), Maya Bishop, Adriana Braganza (The King and I), Amaya Braganza (Annie, The King and I), Anika Braganza, Courtnee Carter (Once On this Island), Sachi Dieker, Lex Garcia, Charlotte Gimlin, Avery Michael Johnson, Che Johnson, Kristopher Kennedy, Micah Lawrence, Casey Likes (the upcoming Almost Famous the Musical), Cheech Manohar (Mean Girls), Lucy Martin, Alisa Melendez (Almost Famous), Maria Nalieth, Sayo Oni, Olivia Ridley, Juli Rudetsky-Wesley, Tevae Shoels, Charlie Tassone (Frozen), Jonah Verdon, and Kevin Wang
The reading is the latest in the Plays in the House Jr./Teen Edition series, executive produced by Wesley and Rudetsky with artistic direction by Tony nominee Anika Larsen. The series of plays for and performed by young people streams Sundays at 2 PM, hosted by Juli Rudetsky Wesley followed by a Q&A with the playwright. The technical supervisor is Jason Crespin. The reading will only be available for a limited time following the live stream.
Today's reading benefits Philadelphia Young Playwrights, whose mission is to tap the potential of youth and inspire learning through playwriting.
Stars in the House launched March 16 to promote support for The Actors Fund and its services in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. It has also raised funds for the NAACP's Legal Defense Fund in support of the Black Lives Matter movement and various theatre programs around the country.
New shows—streaming Monday–Saturday at 8 PM ET with afternoon shows Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday at 2 PM—feature performances by stars of stage and screen, in conversation and song with Rudetsky and Wesley. Peter Flynn serves as streaming director. Click here to watch previous episodes.
There is no stream July 26 at 8 PM.