Jeremy Cohen and Alexandra Silber in Master Class, nominated for Best Revival of a Play
Nikka Graff Lanzarone and Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Judy Kaye and Alexandra Silber
Judy Kaye and Alexandra Silber
Nick Wyman, Alexandra Silber, David Green, Judy Kaye and Liam Forde
Nick Wyman, Alexandra Silber, Judy Kaye and Liam Forde
Judy Kaye, Edward Thomas, Nick Wyman, Alexandra Silber, Maria Candil and Liam Forde
Thomas Z. Shepard and Alexandra Silber
David Green, Nick Wyman, Alexandra Silber and Edward Thomas
Nick Wyman, Judy Kaye, Alexander Gemignani, Alexandra Silber and Liam Forde
Nick Wyman, Judy Kaye, Alexander Gemignani, Alexandra Silber and Liam Forde
Nick Wyman, Judy Kaye, Alexander Gemignani, Alexandra Silber and Liam Forde
Alexandra Silber, 2011
Never has there been: 1. more profoundly melted lemon sorbet masquerading as "Ice Cream" 2. Cuter pajamas.
Such as in the movie "Ghost," it's nice to know that a show has a "potters wheel" shot-- Amalia over Georg's shoulder in "Where's My Shoe?" is the She Loves Me version.
Okay. So this was NOT the rehearsal where I nearly broke Santino's face. But there was one where I made him BLEED. What? I apologized to Laura Osnes.
I'm going to let the good readers of Playbill provide the caption to this one…
[but all I can say is that expression is one Santino has been giving me for YEARS...]
"Dear Friend"
(PS. ...UM: when The Orchestra of St. Luke's swelled at the end of Act 1? Yeah, it was pretty difficult not to feel your feelings...)
...ANYWAY, a few years ago we did a benefit with Ted Sperling and discussed all doing She Loves Me together. A dream come true! (Plus: nothing like knowing one another since summer camp to help bring a fully-staged musical together in 10 days...)
Dressing Room antics with Montego Glover. We were terrified of the air conditioner but needed it so badly... the heat made us loopy.
We laughed our faces off.
[**DISCLAIMER: Faceless-ness obviously occurred after this photo was taken...**]
"Amalia" with John Cullum and Jonathan Freeman
HM: Hershberg, Oscar, BenShlomo and Silber... Which Bock & Harnick musical IS this?!
There I am! With Etai BenShlomo and Ryan Silverman
Santino Fontana, producer Paul Rosenblum, Ted Sperling and Alexandra Silber
Santino Fontana and Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber and Santino Fontana
Alexandra Silber
The cast Alexandra Silber and Santino Fontana
The cast
Alexandra Silber and John Cullum
Alexandra Silber and Santino Fontana
Alexandra Silber and Montego Glover
Alexandra Silber
Ted Sperling directs Santino Fontana and Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Santino Fontana, Alexandra Silber and John Cullum
Alexandra Silber and Santino Fontana
Ted Sperling directs Alexandra Silber and the cast
The cast
Michael Arden and Alexandra Silber: Is that Michael Arden and Al Silber as Charlie Brown and Lucy? Yep. 5 cents please.
Michael Arden and Alexandra Silber: As Georg and Amalia at Interlochen Arts Academy
Alexandra Silber: Golde at 15. What could be more appropriate? Incidentally, when I did Fiddler in the West End in 2007-8, I would often take Beverley Klein (who played Golde) aside and offer some "tips."
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber, Hunter Foster, Paulette Haupt and Arielle Jacobs
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Kenneth Gartman, Alexandra Silber, Jack Cummings III, Victor Lodato and Polly Pen
Alexandra Silber, Kenneth Gartman and Hunter Foster
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber, Hunter Foster, Paulette Haupt and Arielle Jacobs
Alexandra Silber, Hunter Foster and Arielle Jacobs
Happy Mother's Day, Mama.
- Alexandra Silber
You have taught me that life is an unending opportunity to see things differently, to keep re-framing disaster and discouragement into hope. We are not always comfortable, but we can ride it out. You have never let a hardship stop your love of life.
I remember when I stole your diary and thought, “My God, my Mom is cool.” I remember hijacking your love of Judy Collins. I remember our trips home from school every day. I remember your face after The Miracle Worker
I remember calling you when I first tasted crunchy peanut butter and your response was “I told you!” I remember the look on your face after I delivered the Eulogy. I remember spreading Dad’s ashes around the baseball diamond. I remember
Alexandra Silber: "I have learned so much from you, from the mundane to the extraordinary. From hair de-frizzing to bargain shopping, from table manners and driving, from dealing with success to dealing with grief."
Alexandra Silber: "We are more than simply Mother and Daughter (which, admittedly, is no simple thing), but friends, kindred spirits. I enjoy your company. I love to talk with you. We get each other."
Sierra Boggess and cast in Master Class
Alexandra Silber with Kenneth Gartman, Jack Cummings III, Victor Lodato and Polly Pen
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber, Santino Fontana, Walter Charles, Anita Gillette, Judy Kaye, David Garrison, Ted Sperling, Jim Dale and Jason Danieley
Alexandra Silber, Santino Fontana, Anita Gillette, Walter Charles, Judy Kaye, David Garrison, Ted Sperling, Jim Dale and Jason Danieley
David Garrison, Judy Kaye, Santino Fontana, Alexandra Silber and Anita Gillette
Jason Danieley, David Garrison, Judy Kaye, Anita Gillette, Alexandra Silber and Santino Fontana
Jason Danieley, Alexandra Silber and Santino Fontana
Bye Playbill! Thanks for joining us! We're gonna go home and live text the Lifetime movie from our respective hotel rooms. It's gonna be great.
We walk home together every night. It's pretty gross.
As we leave the theatre... we take one last glance…
...we can't--well LOOK: we just can't help ourselves.
And, if things get really rough... there is always SCOTCH. Luckily, and by utter coincidence, Will and I have the same favorite Scotch.... creepy.
Another post-show cuddle-fest.
[we took to the hospital bed....*naturally*....]
...we *ALSO* like to score each others' performances-- just to keep things "real."
...During the show, there is a *lot* of panicked running down the hall...
We like to have one or two hour notes sessions before the second show... most of the notes are for Al... some are for Will but most are for Al. We wanna try some of that "less is more acting." Insert "Waiting for Guffman" quote.
The rest of our time is usually spent signing posters… mostly for us. off to the park for a quick stroll!
Sensible between-shows nap on the hospital bed...
After the show, we have a post-show cuddle. It became our first ever Saturday Intermission Picture... "But we don't HAVE an intermission!" we cried!
Everyday, we cook pasta. live. onstage. with propane gas. and onions and peppers and garlic. and sharp sharp knives.
Al juggles. It happens. This is a shot from our very first attempt!
"You and me!"
A quick "Places" check-in.
YIKES. [*pause*] Neither are wigs, folks! It may start out rough, but the coiff sure cleans up nicely!
We both have a lot of hair. Hair is a very important part of the show. And acting. Let's be real about that.
Al likes to read a love quotation over the monitor before every matinee-- just to get us all in the mood…
...and in case you were concerned that "in the mood" means just quotes from Plato, Baudelaire and Helen Keller FEAR NOT...this week's offering wa
A show like ours requires sexiness. Sexiness means HIS AND HERS KIMONOS.
A show like ours requires trust. Trust means TRUST FALLS.
A show like ours requires quick instincts. Quick instincts means ZIP ZAP ZOP.
A show like ours requires following each others' every move. Following each others' every move means MIRROR EXERCISES.
We begin our warm-up with a "game" developed by PR that we commandeered.
It includes the lobbing of tomatoes and garlic... at our likeness...
I mean... we *had* to...
AL: Just a quiiiiiiiick stop at the paper store. I'll be quick. Promise. WILL: And by "quick" means you mean "slow" and by "promise" you mean "pack of paper lies."
[At rise: City Hall. The walk to work…]
WILL: LOOK AL! LOOK! HISTORY!!! AL: Um...Will...we...have places to *be*...
Thank you all for joining us, see you downtown at the Vineyard!
...We get a little hyped-up about the second show…
Because tonight is "SNOB!" [Read: Saturday Night Off Broadway!]
And we are SNOB enthusiasts! SNOBs!
Wait! What's yer rush? What's yet hurry?
THERE IS *ALWAYS* TIME FOR MY ANGELA LANSBURY POWER PLAYLIST!!! Luckily, Ben happily gets on board. You might say that we're Bosom Buddies.
...but Ben can get a little jealous and he likes it when I drop the petals in HIS face…
(it helps him get in the zone. The WAR ZONE...)
Ben and I reenact the show poster to get in the "mood"...
AND we're on a roll!
We're method.
"Jerry likes his bourbon..."
Time for show #1.
...but Ben always shows me who is boss. And who is younger. And cuter. And who has more Twitter followers. And who has a degree from Harvard. So.
I'll admit, sometimes I *do* get a bit zealous...
Okay! To business.
What other totally incredible, 23-year-old, fresh-out-of-Harvard-English-grad-and-also-Spring-Awakening-alum looks this cute? Sounds that gorgeous? and ALSO plays piano LIKEABOSS?
That makes him Ben Moss: BOSS.
So… Yeah.
This is the part of the story where I tell you that this *actually* isn't entirely a one-woman show. Our musical director Ben Moss is totally in the show too.
FINE. I was just being a sociopath.
The most important part of a cast warm-up: THE TRUST FALL...
Of course there is always the CAST LOTTERY!! well as a weekly Equity Meeting. I valiantly serve as our cast's Equity Deputy. The benefit is that the concerns of the cast always fall on sympathetic ears...
...we enjoy a cast prayer circle...
[traditionally known as "Zip Zap Zop"]...
When leading a company of actors, it is important to BEGIN well. Full company warm-ups are VITAL to a cohesive, focused company.
Behold: the company of Arlington engaged in this pivotal work.
Warm-ups such as MIRROR EXERCISES...
LUCKILY, director Carolyn Cantor is always there with words of encouragement (when she can hear herself over my cardigan).
She urges me to really LEAD the company, however small...
being in a one-woman show can get a little lonely...
Exhibit A:
If you want something done right… (Like: making-certain-the-giant-poster-of-your-face-outside-the-building-doesn't-accumulate-sludge-or-graffiti-and-is-just-generally-"spiffy")
…. you should probably do it yourself
Trouble is, when you are in a [ostensibly] one-woman musical at a fancy-schamncy theatre, and there is a somewhat giant poster of your face on the side of a building... it can be easy to get a little carried away with yourself...
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber and Ben Moss
Ben Moss and Alexandra Silber
Ben Moss and Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber and Ben Moss
Alexandra Silber and Ben Moss
Alexandra Silber and Ben Moss
Ben Moss and Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber and Ben Moss
After 10 years of friendship, I've grown accustomed to his face!
Look: Matthew Scott trained hard at Carnegie Mellon University. So we took this rain pause to keep sharp with Zip zap zop, trust falls and mirror exercises. In Cardinals hats. (Because, St. Louis.)
We might have finished the show at 1am (and made MUNY history!) but rain delays also lead to incredible theatrical storytime in my dressing room with these gorgeous legends.
Sometimes we have to stop for the rain. The rain in Spain stays mainly on the... stage. But that means 'Showstop Photo-op!'
ASCOT: Or, costume dreams come true....
"HA HA HA--" or, rehearsal dignity.
The MUNY Hall of Fame is an impressive line of theatrical luminaries. Obviously I have my priorities [obsessions] ...
10 years ago, as a fresh graduate of the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, I had the extraordinary honor of making my professional debut in Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Woman in White, opposite one Anthony Andrews. He was a perfect leading gentleman, and this show is a dream come true for us. [NOTE: we both wore a *lot* of makeup in The WiW...]
'ello 'ello 'ello! Welcome to the 97th season at The Muny, kicking off with My Fair Lady.
Anthony Andrews and Alexandra Silber
Anthony Andrews and Alexandra Silber
Anthony Andrews and Alexandra Silber
Anthony Andrews and Alexandra Silber
Anthony Andrews and Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber and Anthony Andrews
Alexandra Silber and Matthew Scott
Anthony Andrews and Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber and Will Reynolds
Alexandra Silber, Scott Langdon, Will Reynolds and Ensemble
Will Reynolds, Charles Pistone and Alexandra Silber
Will Reynolds, Alexandra Silber and Charles Pistone
Will Reynolds, Jane Labanz, Alexandra Silber and Paul L. Nolan
Will Reynolds and Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber and Ensemble
Alexandra Silber and Will Reynolds
Alexandra Silber
The cast of Love Story
Will Reynolds, Jan Labanz, Alexandra Silber and Paul L. Nolan
Alexandra Silber
The cast of Love Story
The cast of Love Story
Alexandra Silber
We thought we should introduce you to the fellow occupants of Dressing room 51. Meet our appliances! BEHOLD: Jaques Gregsberg: our French Press, KARL: our tea kettle, and Irene Malloy, our humidifier who is named such because of the ribbons down her back. Duh.
Victor Lodato, Carolyn Cantor, Alexandra Silber, Ben Moss and Polly Pen
Ben Moss and Alexandra Silber
Ben Moss and Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
5 minutes later: I felt like this.
And a sensible seat on the steps after the audience had cleared out for the night. What an honor.
The red carpet!
Melanie Moore, Alexandra Silber and Samantha Massell in Fiddler on the Roof
Melanie Moore, Samantha Massell, Alexandra Silber and Jessica Hecht in Fiddler on the Roof
Alexandra Silber, Danny Burstein and Adam Kantor in Fiddler on the Roof
Alexandra Silber and Tally Sessions
Catherine Silber and Alexandra Silber
Catherine Silber, Kate Baldwin and Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
On our way out the stage door. We are freaking out with excitement!
Preparing for our "weekend in the country!!"
This was Sophie's poster shot when she ran for Student Union President. "Sophie De Palma: For Art. For You. For America..."
It was such glorious weather!
Um... I think Sophie will never be having tequila again.
Slumber party! But we must keep it down!
Sophie & Sharon welcome Summer, a cellist who sometimes visits their dorm room. She must go to Manhattan School of Music! No but seriously this is Sierra's big sister, professional cellist Summer Boggess! Aren't our matching specs cute?
We spent the day walking through Central Park and a butterfly landed on Al.
A sensible post-interview beverage at Bloomberg.
We had a BLAST.
Biking break for some MINI GOLF!!
Signature sideways smile from Soph in front of the Intrepid!
Sophie and Sharon on their Day Off
Sophie and Sharon get ready for their first day off together! SAFETY FIRST! WATER & HELMETS!!
We have matching make-up brush glasses with appropriate monikers!
Did we force our director to take us to the Juilliard Store so we could use his staff discount? Did we then buy Juilliard flags and magnets and relevant paraphernalia to go on our doors and walls? Did we buy matching shirts, fleeces and water bottles...?
Al and Sierra have turned Dressing Room 4 into a Juilliard dorm room, as if Sophie and Sharon have been forced to move in to the dorms together and are valiantly trying to make it work "Odd Couple"-style.
Stephen Wadsworth, Alexandra Silber, Sierra Boggess, Tyne Daly, Clinton Brandhagen, Jeremy Cohen and Garrett Sorenson
Alexandra Silber, Tyne Daly and Sierra Boggess
Alexandra Silber and Sierra Boggess
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Jeremy Cohen, Alexandra Silber, Sierra Boggess, Tyne Daly, Garrett Sorenson and Clinton Brandhagen
Alexandra Silber and Sierra Boggess
Alexandra Silber
Jeremy Cohen and Alexandra Silber
Terrence McNally, Tyne Daly, Tom Kirdahy and Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber and Robert Lenzi
Alexandra Silber and Bob Stillman
Alexandra Silber and Bob Stillman
Alexandra Silber and Jack Cummings III
Alexandra Silber and Nikka Graff Lanzarone
Alexandra Silber and Bob Stillman
Bob Stillman and Alexandra Silber
Jack Cummings III, Scott Rink and Alexandra Silber
The cast and creative team of Hello Again
Bob Stillman and Alexandra Silber
Robert Lenzi and Alexandra Silber
Front row: Bridget Nicholson, Julie Hess, Hannah Marcum, Evan Wologodzew, Annie Fowler, Taegan Smith, Chelsea Fowler. 2nd row: Adam Grupper, George Psomas, Jenny Rose Baker, Lindsay Dievert, Charlie Roe, Rebecca Filatio, Danny Burstein, Charlotte Cartelli, Anne Marie Carlson, Jane Shearin
Jane Shearin and Alexandra Silber
Jane Shearin and Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber and Lindsay Dievert
Alexandra Silber
Adam Kantor and Alexandra Silber
John Ellison Conlee, Andrew Keenan-Bolger and Alexandra Silber
John Ellison Conlee and Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
John Ellison Conlee and Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Nick Wyman, Judy Kaye, Alexander Gemignani, Alexandra Silber and Liam Forde
Joseph Marzullo/WENN
Steve Kazee and Alexandra Silber
Nick Rehberger, Samantha Massell, Itzhak Perlman, Alexandra Silber, Adam Kantor and Ben Rappaport
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Kenneth Gartman, Alexandra Silber, Jack Cummings III, Victor Lodato and Polly Pen
Alexandra Silber, Kenneth Gartman and Hunter Foster
Our Super Real Imaginary Dorm Life
When Sierra and I first met in London, violins played. Well, it felt like they did. The POINT is that we were an instant match and were excited to share a dressing room, which we promptly began to plan.
Paxton Whitehead, Anthony Andrews and Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber and Anthony Andrews
Alexandra Silber and cast
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Joseph Marzullo/WENN
Adam Kantor and Alexandra Silber in Fiddler on the Roof
Joan Marcus
Melanie Moore, Samantha Massell, Alexandra Silber and Jessica Hecht in Fiddler on the Roof
Adam Kantor, Alexandra Silber, Lori Wilner, Jacob Guzman, Adam Grupper, Reed Luplau, Jeffrey Schecter, Mitch Greenberg and Michael Bernardi in Fiddler on the Roof
Joan Marcus
Adam Kantor and Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber, Samantha Massell, Melanie Moore, Danny Burstein, Jessica Hecht, Jenny Rose Baker and Hayley Feinstein in Fiddler on the Roof
Joan Marcus
Marla Phelan, Alexandra Silber, Jenny Rose Baker, Melanie Moore, Hayley Feinstein, Samantha Massell and Sarah Parker in Fiddler on the Roof
Joan Marcus
Jeremy Cohen and Alexandra Silber
We thought we should introduce you to the fellow occupants of Dressing room 51. Meet our appliances! BEHOLD: Jaques Gregsberg: our French Press, KARL: our tea kettle, and Irene Malloy, our humidifier who is named such because of the ribbons down her back. Duh.
Happy Mother's Day, Mama.
- Alexandra Silber
You have taught me that life is an unending opportunity to see things differently, to keep re-framing disaster and discouragement into hope. We are not always comfortable, but we can ride it out. You have never let a hardship stop your love of life.
I remember calling you when I first tasted crunchy peanut butter and your response was “I told you!” I remember the look on your face after I delivered the Eulogy. I remember spreading Dad’s ashes around the baseball diamond. I remember
I remember when I stole your diary and thought, “My God, my Mom is cool.” I remember hijacking your love of Judy Collins. I remember our trips home from school every day. I remember your face after The Miracle Worker
Alexandra Silber: "I have learned so much from you, from the mundane to the extraordinary. From hair de-frizzing to bargain shopping, from table manners and driving, from dealing with success to dealing with grief."
Alexandra Silber: "We are more than simply Mother and Daughter (which, admittedly, is no simple thing), but friends, kindred spirits. I enjoy your company. I love to talk with you. We get each other."
Alexandra Silber
Never has there been: 1. more profoundly melted lemon sorbet masquerading as "Ice Cream" 2. Cuter pajamas.
Such as in the movie "Ghost," it's nice to know that a show has a "potters wheel" shot-- Amalia over Georg's shoulder in "Where's My Shoe?" is the She Loves Me version.
Okay. So this was NOT the rehearsal where I nearly broke Santino's face. But there was one where I made him BLEED. What? I apologized to Laura Osnes.
I'm going to let the good readers of Playbill provide the caption to this one…
[but all I can say is that expression is one Santino has been giving me for YEARS...]
"Dear Friend"
(PS. ...UM: when The Orchestra of St. Luke's swelled at the end of Act 1? Yeah, it was pretty difficult not to feel your feelings...)
...ANYWAY, a few years ago we did a benefit with Ted Sperling and discussed all doing She Loves Me together. A dream come true! (Plus: nothing like knowing one another since summer camp to help bring a fully-staged musical together in 10 days...)
"Hey Old Friend." Did you guys know Santino and I have known one another since we were teenagers at summer camp?
...this would be *that* embarrassing reality... circa 1999.
Dressing Room antics with Montego Glover. We were terrified of the air conditioner but needed it so badly... the heat made us loopy.
We laughed our faces off.
[**DISCLAIMER: Faceless-ness obviously occurred after this photo was taken...**]
"Amalia" with John Cullum and Jonathan Freeman
HM: Hershberg, Oscar, BenShlomo and Silber... Which Bock & Harnick musical IS this?!
There I am! With Etai BenShlomo and Ryan Silverman
Never has there been: 1. more profoundly melted lemon sorbet masquerading as "Ice Cream" 2. Cuter pajamas.
Such as in the movie "Ghost," it's nice to know that a show has a "potters wheel" shot-- Amalia over Georg's shoulder in "Where's My Shoe?" is the She Loves Me version.
Okay. So this was NOT the rehearsal where I nearly broke Santino's face. But there was one where I made him BLEED. What? I apologized to Laura Osnes.
I'm going to let the good readers of Playbill provide the caption to this one…
[but all I can say is that expression is one Santino has been giving me for YEARS...]
"Dear Friend"
(PS. ...UM: when The Orchestra of St. Luke's swelled at the end of Act 1? Yeah, it was pretty difficult not to feel your feelings...)
...ANYWAY, a few years ago we did a benefit with Ted Sperling and discussed all doing She Loves Me together. A dream come true! (Plus: nothing like knowing one another since summer camp to help bring a fully-staged musical together in 10 days...)
"Hey Old Friend." Did you guys know Santino and I have known one another since we were teenagers at summer camp?
...this would be *that* embarrassing reality... circa 1999.
Dressing Room antics with Montego Glover. We were terrified of the air conditioner but needed it so badly... the heat made us loopy.
We laughed our faces off.
[**DISCLAIMER: Faceless-ness obviously occurred after this photo was taken...**]
"Amalia" with John Cullum and Jonathan Freeman
HM: Hershberg, Oscar, BenShlomo and Silber... Which Bock & Harnick musical IS this?!
There I am! With Etai BenShlomo and Ryan Silverman
Never has there been: 1. more profoundly melted lemon sorbet masquerading as "Ice Cream" 2. Cuter pajamas.
Such as in the movie "Ghost," it's nice to know that a show has a "potters wheel" shot-- Amalia over Georg's shoulder in "Where's My Shoe?" is the She Loves Me version.
Okay. So this was NOT the rehearsal where I nearly broke Santino's face. But there was one where I made him BLEED. What? I apologized to Laura Osnes.
I'm going to let the good readers of Playbill provide the caption to this one…
[but all I can say is that expression is one Santino has been giving me for YEARS...]
"Dear Friend"
(PS. ...UM: when The Orchestra of St. Luke's swelled at the end of Act 1? Yeah, it was pretty difficult not to feel your feelings...)
...ANYWAY, a few years ago we did a benefit with Ted Sperling and discussed all doing She Loves Me together. A dream come true! (Plus: nothing like knowing one another since summer camp to help bring a fully-staged musical together in 10 days...)
"Hey Old Friend." Did you guys know Santino and I have known one another since we were teenagers at summer camp?
...this would be *that* embarrassing reality... circa 1999.
Dressing Room antics with Montego Glover. We were terrified of the air conditioner but needed it so badly... the heat made us loopy.
We laughed our faces off.
[**DISCLAIMER: Faceless-ness obviously occurred after this photo was taken...**]
"Amalia" with John Cullum and Jonathan Freeman
HM: Hershberg, Oscar, BenShlomo and Silber... Which Bock & Harnick musical IS this?!
There I am! With Etai BenShlomo and Ryan Silverman
"Hey Old Friend." Did you guys know Santino and I have known one another since we were teenagers at summer camp?
...this would be *that* embarrassing reality... circa 1999.
Alexandra Silber
Santino Fontana, producer Paul Rosenblum, Ted Sperling and Alexandra Silber
Santino Fontana and Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber and Santino Fontana
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Santino Fontana, producer Paul Rosenblum, Ted Sperling and Alexandra Silber
Santino Fontana and Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber and Santino Fontana
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Gabe Palacio
The cast Alexandra Silber and Santino Fontana
The cast
Alexandra Silber and John Cullum
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber and Santino Fontana
Alexandra Silber and Montego Glover
Alexandra Silber
Ted Sperling directs Santino Fontana and Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Santino Fontana, Alexandra Silber and John Cullum
Alexandra Silber and Santino Fontana
Ted Sperling directs Alexandra Silber and the cast
The cast
The cast Alexandra Silber and Santino Fontana
The cast
Alexandra Silber and John Cullum
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber and Santino Fontana
Alexandra Silber and Montego Glover
Alexandra Silber
Ted Sperling directs Santino Fontana and Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Santino Fontana, Alexandra Silber and John Cullum
Alexandra Silber and Santino Fontana
Ted Sperling directs Alexandra Silber and the cast
The cast
Alexandra Silber
Gabe Palacio
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber, Santino Fontana, Walter Charles, Anita Gillette, Judy Kaye, David Garrison, Ted Sperling, Jim Dale and Jason Danieley
Alexandra Silber, Santino Fontana, Anita Gillette, Walter Charles, Judy Kaye, David Garrison, Ted Sperling, Jim Dale and Jason Danieley
David Garrison, Judy Kaye, Santino Fontana, Alexandra Silber and Anita Gillette
Jason Danieley, David Garrison, Judy Kaye, Anita Gillette, Alexandra Silber and Santino Fontana
Alexandra Silber and Santino Fontana
Jason Danieley, Alexandra Silber and Santino Fontana
Alexandra Silber, Santino Fontana, Walter Charles, Anita Gillette, Judy Kaye, David Garrison, Ted Sperling, Jim Dale and Jason Danieley
Alexandra Silber, Santino Fontana, Anita Gillette, Walter Charles, Judy Kaye, David Garrison, Ted Sperling, Jim Dale and Jason Danieley
David Garrison, Judy Kaye, Santino Fontana, Alexandra Silber and Anita Gillette
Jason Danieley, David Garrison, Judy Kaye, Anita Gillette, Alexandra Silber and Santino Fontana
Alexandra Silber and Santino Fontana
Jason Danieley, Alexandra Silber and Santino Fontana
Alexandra Silber, Santino Fontana, Walter Charles, Anita Gillette, Judy Kaye, David Garrison, Ted Sperling, Jim Dale and Jason Danieley
Alexandra Silber, Santino Fontana, Anita Gillette, Walter Charles, Judy Kaye, David Garrison, Ted Sperling, Jim Dale and Jason Danieley
David Garrison, Judy Kaye, Santino Fontana, Alexandra Silber and Anita Gillette
Jason Danieley, David Garrison, Judy Kaye, Anita Gillette, Alexandra Silber and Santino Fontana
Alexandra Silber and Santino Fontana
Jason Danieley, Alexandra Silber and Santino Fontana
Alexandra Silber and Santino Fontana
Erin Baiano
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Kenneth Gartman, Alexandra Silber, Jack Cummings III, Victor Lodato and Polly Pen
Alexandra Silber, Kenneth Gartman and Hunter Foster
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber, Hunter Foster, Paulette Haupt and Arielle Jacobs
Alexandra Silber, Hunter Foster and Arielle Jacobs
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Kenneth Gartman, Alexandra Silber, Jack Cummings III, Victor Lodato and Polly Pen
Alexandra Silber, Kenneth Gartman and Hunter Foster
Alexandra Silber, Hunter Foster and Arielle Jacobs
Joseph Marzullo/WENN
Alexandra Silber with Kenneth Gartman, Jack Cummings III, Victor Lodato and Polly Pen
Alexandra Silber with Kenneth Gartman, Jack Cummings III, Victor Lodato and Polly Pen
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber with Kenneth Gartman, Jack Cummings III, Victor Lodato and Polly Pen
Alexandra Silber with Kenneth Gartman, Jack Cummings III, Victor Lodato and Polly Pen
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber with Kenneth Gartman, Jack Cummings III, Victor Lodato and Polly Pen
Alexandra Silber with Kenneth Gartman, Jack Cummings III, Victor Lodato and Polly Pen
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber with Kenneth Gartman, Jack Cummings III, Victor Lodato and Polly Pen
Joseph Marzullo/WENN
...During the show, there is a *lot* of panicked running down the hall...
We like to have one or two hour notes sessions before the second show... most of the notes are for Al... some are for Will but most are for Al. We wanna try some of that "less is more acting." Insert "Waiting for Guffman" quote.
The rest of our time is usually spent signing posters… mostly for us. off to the park for a quick stroll!
Sensible between-shows nap on the hospital bed...
After the show, we have a post-show cuddle. It became our first ever Saturday Intermission Picture... "But we don't HAVE an intermission!" we cried!
Everyday, we cook pasta. live. onstage. with propane gas. and onions and peppers and garlic. and sharp sharp knives.
Al juggles. It happens. This is a shot from our very first attempt!
"You and me!"
A quick "Places" check-in.
YIKES. [*pause*] Neither are wigs, folks! It may start out rough, but the coiff sure cleans up nicely!
We both have a lot of hair. Hair is a very important part of the show. And acting. Let's be real about that.
Al likes to read a love quotation over the monitor before every matinee-- just to get us all in the mood…
...and in case you were concerned that "in the mood" means just quotes from Plato, Baudelaire and Helen Keller FEAR NOT...this week's offering wa
A show like ours requires sexiness. Sexiness means HIS AND HERS KIMONOS.
A show like ours requires trust. Trust means TRUST FALLS.
A show like ours requires quick instincts. Quick instincts means ZIP ZAP ZOP.
A show like ours requires following each others' every move. Following each others' every move means MIRROR EXERCISES.
We begin our warm-up with a "game" developed by PR that we commandeered.
It includes the lobbing of tomatoes and garlic... at our likeness...
I mean... we *had* to...
AL: Just a quiiiiiiiick stop at the paper store. I'll be quick. Promise. WILL: And by "quick" means you mean "slow" and by "promise" you mean "pack of paper lies."
[At rise: City Hall. The walk to work…]
WILL: LOOK AL! LOOK! HISTORY!!! AL: Um...Will...we...have places to *be*...
Welcome all! Will Reynolds and Al Silber here, giving you a glimpse behind-the-scenes of a two-show day here at Love Story The Musical at Walnut Street Theatre. NOTE: Serious business ahead.
Bye Playbill! Thanks for joining us! We're gonna go home and live text the Lifetime movie from our respective hotel rooms. It's gonna be great.
We walk home together every night. It's pretty gross.
As we leave the theatre... we take one last glance…
...we can't--well LOOK: we just can't help ourselves.
And, if things get really rough... there is always SCOTCH. Luckily, and by utter coincidence, Will and I have the same favorite Scotch.... creepy.
Another post-show cuddle-fest.
[we took to the hospital bed....*naturally*....]
...we *ALSO* like to score each others' performances-- just to keep things "real."
...During the show, there is a *lot* of panicked running down the hall...
We like to have one or two hour notes sessions before the second show... most of the notes are for Al... some are for Will but most are for Al. We wanna try some of that "less is more acting." Insert "Waiting for Guffman" quote.
The rest of our time is usually spent signing posters… mostly for us. off to the park for a quick stroll!
Sensible between-shows nap on the hospital bed...
After the show, we have a post-show cuddle. It became our first ever Saturday Intermission Picture... "But we don't HAVE an intermission!" we cried!
Everyday, we cook pasta. live. onstage. with propane gas. and onions and peppers and garlic. and sharp sharp knives.
Al juggles. It happens. This is a shot from our very first attempt!
"You and me!"
A quick "Places" check-in.
YIKES. [*pause*] Neither are wigs, folks! It may start out rough, but the coiff sure cleans up nicely!
We both have a lot of hair. Hair is a very important part of the show. And acting. Let's be real about that.
Al likes to read a love quotation over the monitor before every matinee-- just to get us all in the mood…
...and in case you were concerned that "in the mood" means just quotes from Plato, Baudelaire and Helen Keller FEAR NOT...this week's offering wa
A show like ours requires sexiness. Sexiness means HIS AND HERS KIMONOS.
A show like ours requires trust. Trust means TRUST FALLS.
A show like ours requires quick instincts. Quick instincts means ZIP ZAP ZOP.
A show like ours requires following each others' every move. Following each others' every move means MIRROR EXERCISES.
We begin our warm-up with a "game" developed by PR that we commandeered.
It includes the lobbing of tomatoes and garlic... at our likeness...
I mean... we *had* to...
AL: Just a quiiiiiiiick stop at the paper store. I'll be quick. Promise. WILL: And by "quick" means you mean "slow" and by "promise" you mean "pack of paper lies."
[At rise: City Hall. The walk to work…]
WILL: LOOK AL! LOOK! HISTORY!!! AL: Um...Will...we...have places to *be*...
Welcome all! Will Reynolds and Al Silber here, giving you a glimpse behind-the-scenes of a two-show day here at Love Story The Musical at Walnut Street Theatre. NOTE: Serious business ahead.
Bye Playbill! Thanks for joining us! We're gonna go home and live text the Lifetime movie from our respective hotel rooms. It's gonna be great.
We walk home together every night. It's pretty gross.
As we leave the theatre... we take one last glance…
...we can't--well LOOK: we just can't help ourselves.
And, if things get really rough... there is always SCOTCH. Luckily, and by utter coincidence, Will and I have the same favorite Scotch.... creepy.
Another post-show cuddle-fest.
[we took to the hospital bed....*naturally*....]
...we *ALSO* like to score each others' performances-- just to keep things "real."
...During the show, there is a *lot* of panicked running down the hall...
We like to have one or two hour notes sessions before the second show... most of the notes are for Al... some are for Will but most are for Al. We wanna try some of that "less is more acting." Insert "Waiting for Guffman" quote.
The rest of our time is usually spent signing posters… mostly for us. off to the park for a quick stroll!
Sensible between-shows nap on the hospital bed...
After the show, we have a post-show cuddle. It became our first ever Saturday Intermission Picture... "But we don't HAVE an intermission!" we cried!
Everyday, we cook pasta. live. onstage. with propane gas. and onions and peppers and garlic. and sharp sharp knives.
Al juggles. It happens. This is a shot from our very first attempt!
"You and me!"
A quick "Places" check-in.
YIKES. [*pause*] Neither are wigs, folks! It may start out rough, but the coiff sure cleans up nicely!
We both have a lot of hair. Hair is a very important part of the show. And acting. Let's be real about that.
Al likes to read a love quotation over the monitor before every matinee-- just to get us all in the mood…
...and in case you were concerned that "in the mood" means just quotes from Plato, Baudelaire and Helen Keller FEAR NOT...this week's offering wa
A show like ours requires sexiness. Sexiness means HIS AND HERS KIMONOS.
A show like ours requires trust. Trust means TRUST FALLS.
A show like ours requires quick instincts. Quick instincts means ZIP ZAP ZOP.
A show like ours requires following each others' every move. Following each others' every move means MIRROR EXERCISES.
We begin our warm-up with a "game" developed by PR that we commandeered.
It includes the lobbing of tomatoes and garlic... at our likeness...
I mean... we *had* to...
AL: Just a quiiiiiiiick stop at the paper store. I'll be quick. Promise. WILL: And by "quick" means you mean "slow" and by "promise" you mean "pack of paper lies."
[At rise: City Hall. The walk to work…]
WILL: LOOK AL! LOOK! HISTORY!!! AL: Um...Will...we...have places to *be*...
Welcome all! Will Reynolds and Al Silber here, giving you a glimpse behind-the-scenes of a two-show day here at Love Story The Musical at Walnut Street Theatre. NOTE: Serious business ahead.
Welcome all! Will Reynolds and Al Silber here, giving you a glimpse behind-the-scenes of a two-show day here at Love Story The Musical at Walnut Street Theatre. NOTE: Serious business ahead.
Alexandra Silber and Will Reynolds
Will Reynolds, Alexandra Silber and Charles Pistone
Will Reynolds, Jane Labanz, Alexandra Silber and Paul L. Nolan
Will Reynolds and Alexandra Silber
Will Reynolds and Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber and Ensemble
Alexandra Silber and Will Reynolds
Alexandra Silber
Will Reynolds and Alexandra Silber
Mark Garvin
The cast of Love Story
The cast of Love Story
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber and Will Reynolds
Alexandra Silber, 2011
Alexandra Silber
Sierra Boggess and cast in Master Class
On our way out the stage door. We are freaking out with excitement!
Preparing for our "weekend in the country!!"
This was Sophie's poster shot when she ran for Student Union President. "Sophie De Palma: For Art. For You. For America..."
It was such glorious weather!
Um... I think Sophie will never be having tequila again.
Slumber party! But we must keep it down!
Sophie & Sharon welcome Summer, a cellist who sometimes visits their dorm room. She must go to Manhattan School of Music! No but seriously this is Sierra's big sister, professional cellist Summer Boggess! Aren't our matching specs cute?
We spent the day walking through Central Park and a butterfly landed on Al.
A sensible post-interview beverage at Bloomberg.
We had a BLAST.
Biking break for some MINI GOLF!!
Signature sideways smile from Soph in front of the Intrepid!
Sophie and Sharon on their Day Off
Sophie and Sharon get ready for their first day off together! SAFETY FIRST! WATER & HELMETS!!
We have matching make-up brush glasses with appropriate monikers!
Did we force our director to take us to the Juilliard Store so we could use his staff discount? Did we then buy Juilliard flags and magnets and relevant paraphernalia to go on our doors and walls? Did we buy matching shirts, fleeces and water bottles...?
Al and Sierra have turned Dressing Room 4 into a Juilliard dorm room, as if Sophie and Sharon have been forced to move in to the dorms together and are valiantly trying to make it work "Odd Couple"-style.
Our Super Real Imaginary Dorm Life
When Sierra and I first met in London, violins played. Well, it felt like they did. The POINT is that we were an instant match and were excited to share a dressing room, which we promptly began to plan.
Alexandra Silber, Patti LuPone, Tyne Daly and Sierra Boggess
Alexandra Silber, Patti LuPone, Tyne Daly and Sierra Boggess
Alexandra Silber, Patti LuPone, Tyne Daly and Sierra Boggess
Joseph Marzullo/WENN
Alexandra Silber and Sierra Boggess
Jeremy Cohen and Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Jeremy Cohen and Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Jeremy Cohen and Alexandra Silber
Terrence McNally, Tyne Daly, Tom Kirdahy and Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Terrence McNally, Tyne Daly, Tom Kirdahy and Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber and Robert Lenzi
Alexandra Silber and Bob Stillman
Alexandra Silber and Robert Lenzi
Alexandra Silber and Bob Stillman
Alexandra Silber and Bob Stillman
Alexandra Silber and Bob Stillman
Alexandra Silber and Jack Cummings III
Alexandra Silber and Nikka Graff Lanzarone
Alexandra Silber and Bob Stillman
Bob Stillman and Alexandra Silber
Jack Cummings III, Scott Rink and Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber and Jack Cummings III
Alexandra Silber and Nikka Graff Lanzarone
Alexandra Silber and Bob Stillman
Bob Stillman and Alexandra Silber
Jack Cummings III, Scott Rink and Alexandra Silber
The cast and creative team of Hello Again
Bob Stillman and Alexandra Silber
Robert Lenzi and Alexandra Silber
The cast and creative team of Hello Again
Bob Stillman and Alexandra Silber
Robert Lenzi and Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber and Tom Kirdahy
Alexandra Silber and Tom Kirdahy
Alexandra Silber, Danny Burstein and Adam Kantor in Fiddler on the Roof
Melanie Moore, Alexandra Silber and Samantha Massell in Fiddler on the Roof
Adam Kantor and Alexandra Silber in Fiddler on the Roof
Front row: Bridget Nicholson, Julie Hess, Hannah Marcum, Evan Wologodzew, Annie Fowler, Taegan Smith, Chelsea Fowler. 2nd row: Adam Grupper, George Psomas, Jenny Rose Baker, Lindsay Dievert, Charlie Roe, Rebecca Filatio, Danny Burstein, Charlotte Cartelli, Anne Marie Carlson, Jane Shearin
Jane Shearin and Alexandra Silber
Jane Shearin and Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber and Lindsay Dievert
After 10 years of friendship, I've grown accustomed to his face!
Look: Matthew Scott trained hard at Carnegie Mellon University. So we took this rain pause to keep sharp with Zip zap zop, trust falls and mirror exercises. In Cardinals hats. (Because, St. Louis.)
We might have finished the show at 1am (and made MUNY history!) but rain delays also lead to incredible theatrical storytime in my dressing room with these gorgeous legends.
Sometimes we have to stop for the rain. The rain in Spain stays mainly on the... stage. But that means 'Showstop Photo-op!'
ASCOT: Or, costume dreams come true....
"HA HA HA--" or, rehearsal dignity.
Look: there are only so many reasons a girl plays Eliza Doolittle. 1. The hats. 2. The outfits 3. ... the...well, the role.
The MUNY Hall of Fame is an impressive line of theatrical luminaries. Obviously I have my priorities [obsessions] ...
10 years ago, as a fresh graduate of the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, I had the extraordinary honor of making my professional debut in Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Woman in White, opposite one Anthony Andrews. He was a perfect leading gentleman, and this show is a dream come true for us. [NOTE: we both wore a *lot* of makeup in The WiW...]
'ello 'ello 'ello! Welcome to the 97th season at The Muny, kicking off with My Fair Lady.
Look: there are only so many reasons a girl plays Eliza Doolittle. 1. The hats. 2. The outfits 3. ... the...well, the role.
Alexandra Silber
Anthony Andrews and Alexandra Silber
Anthony Andrews and Alexandra Silber
Anthony Andrews and Alexandra Silber
Anthony Andrews and Alexandra Silber
Anthony Andrews and Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber and Anthony Andrews
Alexandra Silber and Matthew Scott
Anthony Andrews and Alexandra Silber
Paxton Whitehead, Anthony Andrews and Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber and Anthony Andrews
Alexandra Silber and cast
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
The Muny
Ryan Silverman and Alexandra Silber
Ryan Silverman and Alexandra Silber
Michael Portantiere
And a sensible seat on the steps after the audience had cleared out for the night. What an honor.
5 minutes later: I felt like this.
The red carpet!
Alexandra Silber and Bob Stillman
Michael Arden and Alexandra Silber: Is that Michael Arden and Al Silber as Charlie Brown and Lucy? Yep. 5 cents please.
Michael Arden and Alexandra Silber: As Georg and Amalia at Interlochen Arts Academy
Alexandra Silber: Golde at 15. What could be more appropriate? Incidentally, when I did Fiddler in the West End in 2007-8, I would often take Beverley Klein (who played Golde) aside and offer some "tips."
Alexandra Silber
John Ellison Conlee and Alexandra Silber
John Ellison Conlee, Andrew Keenan-Bolger and Alexandra Silber
John Ellison Conlee and Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
...We get a little hyped-up about the second show…
Because tonight is "SNOB!" [Read: Saturday Night Off Broadway!]
And we are SNOB enthusiasts! SNOBs!
Thank you all for joining us, see you downtown at the Vineyard!
AND we're on a roll!
Ben and I reenact the show poster to get in the "mood"...
...but Ben can get a little jealous and he likes it when I drop the petals in HIS face…
(it helps him get in the zone. The WAR ZONE...)
Wait! What's yer rush? What's yet hurry?
THERE IS *ALWAYS* TIME FOR MY ANGELA LANSBURY POWER PLAYLIST!!! Luckily, Ben happily gets on board. You might say that we're Bosom Buddies.
"Jerry likes his bourbon..."
We're method.
...but Ben always shows me who is boss. And who is younger. And cuter. And who has more Twitter followers. And who has a degree from Harvard. So.
Time for show #1.
I'll admit, sometimes I *do* get a bit zealous...
Okay! To business.
So… Yeah.
This is the part of the story where I tell you that this *actually* isn't entirely a one-woman show. Our musical director Ben Moss is totally in the show too.
FINE. I was just being a sociopath.
What other totally incredible, 23-year-old, fresh-out-of-Harvard-English-grad-and-also-Spring-Awakening-alum looks this cute? Sounds that gorgeous? and ALSO plays piano LIKEABOSS?
That makes him Ben Moss: BOSS. well as a weekly Equity Meeting. I valiantly serve as our cast's Equity Deputy. The benefit is that the concerns of the cast always fall on sympathetic ears...
Of course there is always the CAST LOTTERY!!
The most important part of a cast warm-up: THE TRUST FALL...
When leading a company of actors, it is important to BEGIN well. Full company warm-ups are VITAL to a cohesive, focused company.
Behold: the company of Arlington engaged in this pivotal work.
being in a one-woman show can get a little lonely...
LUCKILY, director Carolyn Cantor is always there with words of encouragement (when she can hear herself over my cardigan).
She urges me to really LEAD the company, however small...
Trouble is, when you are in a [ostensibly] one-woman musical at a fancy-schamncy theatre, and there is a somewhat giant poster of your face on the side of a building... it can be easy to get a little carried away with yourself...
Exhibit A:
If you want something done right… (Like: making-certain-the-giant-poster-of-your-face-outside-the-building-doesn't-accumulate-sludge-or-graffiti-and-is-just-generally-"spiffy")
…. you should probably do it yourself
Wait! What's yer rush? What's yet hurry?
THERE IS *ALWAYS* TIME FOR MY ANGELA LANSBURY POWER PLAYLIST!!! Luckily, Ben happily gets on board. You might say that we're Bosom Buddies.
...We get a little hyped-up about the second show…
Because tonight is "SNOB!" [Read: Saturday Night Off Broadway!]
And we are SNOB enthusiasts! SNOBs!
Thank you all for joining us, see you downtown at the Vineyard!
We're method.
AND we're on a roll!
Ben and I reenact the show poster to get in the "mood"...
...but Ben can get a little jealous and he likes it when I drop the petals in HIS face…
(it helps him get in the zone. The WAR ZONE...)
"Jerry likes his bourbon..."
Time for show #1.
I'll admit, sometimes I *do* get a bit zealous...
...but Ben always shows me who is boss. And who is younger. And cuter. And who has more Twitter followers. And who has a degree from Harvard. So.
Okay! To business.
The most important part of a cast warm-up: THE TRUST FALL...
So… Yeah.
This is the part of the story where I tell you that this *actually* isn't entirely a one-woman show. Our musical director Ben Moss is totally in the show too.
FINE. I was just being a sociopath.
What other totally incredible, 23-year-old, fresh-out-of-Harvard-English-grad-and-also-Spring-Awakening-alum looks this cute? Sounds that gorgeous? and ALSO plays piano LIKEABOSS?
That makes him Ben Moss: BOSS.
...we enjoy a cast prayer circle... well as a weekly Equity Meeting. I valiantly serve as our cast's Equity Deputy. The benefit is that the concerns of the cast always fall on sympathetic ears...
Of course there is always the CAST LOTTERY!!
When leading a company of actors, it is important to BEGIN well. Full company warm-ups are VITAL to a cohesive, focused company.
Behold: the company of Arlington engaged in this pivotal work.
being in a one-woman show can get a little lonely...
LUCKILY, director Carolyn Cantor is always there with words of encouragement (when she can hear herself over my cardigan).
She urges me to really LEAD the company, however small...
Trouble is, when you are in a [ostensibly] one-woman musical at a fancy-schamncy theatre, and there is a somewhat giant poster of your face on the side of a building... it can be easy to get a little carried away with yourself...
Exhibit A:
If you want something done right… (Like: making-certain-the-giant-poster-of-your-face-outside-the-building-doesn't-accumulate-sludge-or-graffiti-and-is-just-generally-"spiffy")
…. you should probably do it yourself
...We get a little hyped-up about the second show…
Because tonight is "SNOB!" [Read: Saturday Night Off Broadway!]
And we are SNOB enthusiasts! SNOBs!
Thank you all for joining us, see you downtown at the Vineyard!
AND we're on a roll!
Ben and I reenact the show poster to get in the "mood"...
...but Ben can get a little jealous and he likes it when I drop the petals in HIS face…
(it helps him get in the zone. The WAR ZONE...)
Wait! What's yer rush? What's yet hurry?
THERE IS *ALWAYS* TIME FOR MY ANGELA LANSBURY POWER PLAYLIST!!! Luckily, Ben happily gets on board. You might say that we're Bosom Buddies.
"Jerry likes his bourbon..."
We're method.
...but Ben always shows me who is boss. And who is younger. And cuter. And who has more Twitter followers. And who has a degree from Harvard. So.
Time for show #1.
I'll admit, sometimes I *do* get a bit zealous...
Okay! To business.
So… Yeah.
This is the part of the story where I tell you that this *actually* isn't entirely a one-woman show. Our musical director Ben Moss is totally in the show too.
FINE. I was just being a sociopath.
What other totally incredible, 23-year-old, fresh-out-of-Harvard-English-grad-and-also-Spring-Awakening-alum looks this cute? Sounds that gorgeous? and ALSO plays piano LIKEABOSS?
That makes him Ben Moss: BOSS. well as a weekly Equity Meeting. I valiantly serve as our cast's Equity Deputy. The benefit is that the concerns of the cast always fall on sympathetic ears...
Of course there is always the CAST LOTTERY!!
The most important part of a cast warm-up: THE TRUST FALL...
When leading a company of actors, it is important to BEGIN well. Full company warm-ups are VITAL to a cohesive, focused company.
Behold: the company of Arlington engaged in this pivotal work.
being in a one-woman show can get a little lonely...
LUCKILY, director Carolyn Cantor is always there with words of encouragement (when she can hear herself over my cardigan).
She urges me to really LEAD the company, however small...
Trouble is, when you are in a [ostensibly] one-woman musical at a fancy-schamncy theatre, and there is a somewhat giant poster of your face on the side of a building... it can be easy to get a little carried away with yourself...
Exhibit A:
If you want something done right… (Like: making-certain-the-giant-poster-of-your-face-outside-the-building-doesn't-accumulate-sludge-or-graffiti-and-is-just-generally-"spiffy")
…. you should probably do it yourself
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber and Ben Moss
Ben Moss and Alexandra Silber
Ben Moss and Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber and Ben Moss
Ben Moss and Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber and Ben Moss
Alexandra Silber and Ben Moss
Alexandra Silber and Ben Moss
Alexandra Silber and Ben Moss
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber and Ben Moss
Alexandra Silber and Ben Moss
Ben Moss and Alexandra Silber
Ben Moss and Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber and Ben Moss
Alexandra Silber and Ben Moss
Alexandra Silber and Ben Moss
Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber and Ben Moss
Ben Moss and Alexandra Silber
Ben Moss and Alexandra Silber
Ben Moss and Alexandra Silber
Alexandra Silber and Ben Moss
Alexandra Silber and Ben Moss
Alexandra Silber and Ben Moss
Alexandra Silber and Ben Moss
Alexandra Silber and Ben Moss
Alexandra Silber and Ben Moss
Carol Rosegg
Alexandra Silber and Ben Moss
Ben Moss and Alexandra Silber
Steve Kazee and Alexandra Silber
Samantha Massell, Steve Kazee, Alexandra Silber and Melanie Moore
Nick Rehberger, Samantha Massell, Itzhak Perlman, Alexandra Silber, Adam Kantor and Ben Rappaport
Samantha Massell, Steve Kazee, Alexandra Silber and Melanie Moore
Bruce Glikas/GettyImages
Alexandra Silber and Tom Kirdahy
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